
Mostrando las entradas de 2003
Primero que todo, feliz navidad a todos los evil y freaks. Segundo, les digo que el secreto de la felicidad es: 1- Darse cuenta de que se es feliz en el momento que se esta siendo feliz, no mirando en retrospectiva, como siempre se hace (se acuerda ud cuando (fill here)? Que epocas aquellas!) 2- Tener un sueño por alcanzar siempre (que no sea siempre el mismo sueño, ojo, hay que alcanzarlo y seguir con otro). 3- Vive el día con pasion. 4- Escucha, analiza, habla y tolera, conoce los límites de tu libertad. 5- Pon buena música. Joder, por que putas termino siempre dando consejos que nadie va a seguir? Bueno ahora si, les cuanto que ando dichoso con una niña muy querida, es bueno aprender el valor de las cosas pequeñas, regresar al punto de partida despues de un largo viaje de descubrimiento, o autodescubrimiento, y contar con los buenos amigos. Como alguien me dijo una vez, los amigos son la familia que tu escoges. Un muy buen año y espero verlos pronto.
Almost a month ago... nope, exactly a month and a day ago did I post for the last time. Well, it may be just that another comet is passing by, as Hernan said, but these days i still have to find some time to write. Well, other than having been to Hugo Moncayo's marriage last saturday, where Vulpecula managed to go too, there's nothing out of order happening. Well, that's because after saturday there has been no grenade-throwing on the zona rosa, like the one that last saturday were thrown on the Bogota Beer Company and Palos de Moguer. Dammit, I usually put my sorry ass up on exactly the same bench that was blown to pieces with the grenade, and the gas warmer that blew in a chain reaction to the grenade. Several friends even called me to know if I was o.k., happily i could just tell them that I was at Hugo's marriage at the time. Thanks god i won't have to light every one of you as an ocassional comet on the sky. Well, since Pong hasn't organized another footba...
Well, I'm tired, but I have the necessity not to let this grow late, since it was a long time from my last post. Right now I just had some beers with Eduardo, Juan Camilo, Juan Pablo and Arturo and they somehow remembered me that I hadn't post for a long while. Right now, Winamp's DJ, Shuffle, has chosen to play the Indiana Jones theme, but I don't feel as a hero nor as a archaelogist right now. Even if I'm somehow digging in my thoughts to just let them find light again, and new meanings are given them to live again. I wrote a time ago about how to handle your relationships with women. Incredibly enough, I have lately found myself being a lot more confident with myself, and so do women seem to notice it, since I have had more dates in the last 3 months than in my entire time at the university. And some girls that I already considered good friends, and from whom I had already the GFS (Good Friend Simpdrom) stamped with undeletable ink in my forehead, started to act...
Estamos siempre tan ocupados pensando en nosotros mismos que no nos damos cuenta que poco a poco el mundo nos va rodeando de mentiras y mentirosos que quieren hacernos creer cualquier cosa. Generalmente son dogmas, doctrinas que son autojustificables, y que llaman a cualquiera que dude de su veracidad ateo, impio o apostata. Si se aplicara al menos un poco de pensamiento científico a cualquier actividad, encontraríamos la verdad. Generalmente la forma sencilla de encontrar verdades siempre es analizar y probar la verdad siguiendo el metodo cientifico. Se hace una teoria, y se pone a prueba exhaustivamente. Y mientras mas tiempo dure en pie esa teoria, poco a poco se va convirtiendo en algo mas cercano a la verdad. La ley de gravitacion de Newton predice de una forma tan simple y exacta el movimiento que debe seguir un cohete para enviar una sonda como la Voyager. Y su validez radica en que nadie la defiende, sino que por el contrario, apoya para que se ponga a prueba y quien encuentr...
Aparte que cumplieron años Julián, Alvaro, el jefe, Carolina Lopez, Gabriel Vargas, el parce, este mes no ha ocurrido nada fuera de lo común. A veces se siente como si la cotidianeidad lo consumiera a uno, otras veces como que el tiempo no alcanza, los fines de semana son muy cortos... por qué los seres humanos debemos dormir tanto? Hay veces que con 4 horas de sueño uno queda bien, y es el ritmo que he tenido en las últimas semanas. Pero he encontrado que uno se vuelve una persona más depresible, apática y malhumorada. Napoleón decía que 4 horas de sueño eran suficientes, que las mujeres eran las que necesitaban dormir más de 8 horas. Entiendo el sentimiento que debí sentir: que la vida se le iba y no había hecho suficientes cosas antes de morir. Voy a compartir con ustedes algo que escribí hace como dos semanas. Voy caminando lejos, un largo camino no se siquiera donde lo empezé solo ...
Long time no beeing here. Not written anything in a while, I think that's just because I got a girlfriend that I dumped yesterday. We were in different worlds and almost had no time to see each other. Thanks god I heard a friend of mine that told me, don't fall in love too fast. Be cautious with your heart. I can't say I love her, but I really liked her and was expecting for love to grow. Hopefully this can happen someday. Anyway, I am now one of those persons that finally realized how good they are and knowing this I became a very self-confident person. Unbelievable how well this works. I got a little cocky too, so this is really a good formula to show other people how good you are, without having to utter a word. I think I have known the perfect girl for about 4 years, but now I have my chance with her. I got to make my move. I know that this will work, and if it doesn't, I'm sure it won't be my fault. Here are some ideas for how to DATE a great wom...
"Admiramos las cosas por motivos determinados; las amamos sin tener motivos específicos ", sabias palabras de G.K. Chesterton. Recuerdo entonces a una niña... Ana Camila Moncaleano, según recuerdo se llamaba. Estaba por allá a mediados de mi carrera, la conocí, salimos un par de veces.... fue mi salida del muro que había construido hasta que como la tercera vez ella me dijo "Tenemos que hablar ". No se por que la recuerdo en estos momentos, no se qué haya sido de su vida, hace como 5 años que no se nada de ella, probablemente la frase de Chesterton me la haya hecho recordar, pues ella preguntó: "Por que te has enamorado de mi?"... no había motivo específico, solo andaba tragado de ella. Realmente me pareció muy estúpida la pregunta, y probablemente me ayudó a ver que no era la persona inteligente que creí que era y fue mucho más fácil olv...
Well, I seem to have a "test" week. I've filled more personality tests this week than on the rest of my life. Anyway, this is what I got through this test... I am Face The Faceman is the man to talk to to get things done. He's got a fast tongue and the connections to get the A-Team out of some of their most difficult moments. Has many disguises, this smooth talker is very persuasive, and doesn't hesitate to use this in working it with members of the opposite sex. Which A-Team member are you??? I just thought it was wrong, 'cause you know, I suck with women.. so i changed one question and I got B.A. Baracus... third time I got Hannibal... so there was no way I got Murdock, whom I thought I would got as an answer on the test... see ya later!
"Spare my time. I'm short of it" Just seems that I cannot find enough time to live. it just seems that weekends are too short. You just cannot find enough time to do all that you want. The difficult part is the logistics to find free spots in all your friend's time to organize an AD&D session. Another thing is that I no longer know for sure the difference between what I want and what I need. Sometimes I have the sudden urge to eat something, but when I go to the supermarket I just realized that it was nothing more than a desire, as if your mind was finally corrupted by the subliminal messages on every product sold. I became a compulsive buyer of CD's, but now I go and think first if I really need the CD or not. Most of the time not, but then I realize that I'm not saving anything for my future, that I'm just living for the moment. Is that wrong? What if I die tomorrow? In this country, my beloved Colombia, you always have that feeling in your mind, eve...
Last night I dreamt I met Winona Ryder at the Transmilenio. She was just standing by me and I was thinking "Hey, that girl looks just like Winona Ryder, she also has her same height. . . damn, she IS Winona!" She was sad, so I fought my shyness and invited her to a nice Colombian Coffee with colaciones by me. We were talking when I awoke. That's funny, I usually don't dream. Anyway, a big thank you to Winona for her special appearance in my dream. I mean, she was the guest star in my dream, he he. Maybe this means I will someday meet her outside of my dreams, hopefully. Life has been good lately, just passing by. I've read many books, played some starcraft on bnet, finished a 1000 pieces celestial planisphere puzzle and dating a beautiful girl, Petra. Maybe this could work, and I still hope her inner beauty is better than her external beauty. Maybe this is what i have to learn from the dream last night? I don't know. I know I have to start making big change...
Today I was making a fast circuit through all other freaks' blogs, and surprisingly landed upon Hernan's Blog of Hate . (Then I managed to see that Sergio just dropped out the next and previous Freak links with the evil previous and next links from the evil robot. Well, to reach Fidelius Blog I just had to run the whole ring backwards...) Anyway, I just found Hernan's blog and think of this as a good surprise. I managed to know him almost on my last class at the university, "Computacion Forense". I saw he was a good person then. And once surprised me when he knew by heart the whole text of the Evangelion soundtrack... "zaa un koku na tenshi no these".. Hope he goes on with his music and his band. Till next time!
As Les Luthiers would say: "La verdad absoluta no existe ... y esto es absolutamente cierto". ("The absolute truth does not exist... and this is absolutely true). I just think that this world could be in peace if everyone knew that their point of view isn't the only one there is, and that maybe, maybe, that point of view is wrong. Maybe the others are right. Just listen to them. And then try to understand why they think different. And then check your own opinion to see if maybe you're wrong. All we need to do this is a little bit of education for everyone... hopefully with the internet everyone could have access to education... but you also can find a lot of places filled with hate and anger... too bad. I thought that the worst phrase a woman could say to you is "We need to talk" ... no, the worst is "I like you too, buy only as a friend". Well, there are surely many other phases. I call that the GFS (Good Friend Syndrome). Hopefully I...
To keep up with the flaming wars going on around the Lord of the Rings' movies, I'd like to state that everyone that thinks "I'm cool because I read the 4 Lord of the Rings books (including the prelude, of course) I know it by heart and can keep a 5 minute discussion about how long Frodo's fingernails should be" is an ass if he hasn't read the Silmarillion... ... including me... I just started to read it, and have fallen asleep the last 15 days I started reading it when going to the bed... not to wonder, since I'm sleeping a lot less than usual. Damn Civilization III! Also, the book tends to be really slow. If you thought that the Lord of the Rings is a slow book, and The Hobbit too, then this book will manage to give you the impression they weren't. Anyway, I just think that Tolkien rocks, that the books are great, no matter how tired I am when I read them. And I also liked that the movie just leaves Tom Bombadil in oblivion. I also liked a lot...
I have to acknowledge that the best error on the Lord of the Rings movie is the one that's not a mistake: "Considerado incorrectamente como un error. El patrón de calvicie de Bilbo en Rivendel depende de una concentración de bilirrubina superior a 230 más allá de cuatro horas después de haber comido. Más tarde, primeros planos de sus manos muestran numerosas manchas, cuya presencia excluye la posibilidad de producción de querotonina. La inhibición en la producción de querotonina y la elevada concentración de bilirrubina producen uñas extraordinariamente largas en manos y pies. Sin embargo, Frodo claramente sufre de uñas reducidas. Dado que Frodo no es un descendiente directo de Bilbo esta inconsistencia genética no es necesariamente un error." You may find the whole list of errors in this page . Last saturday we played again Republic of Rome with Juan C. and some other friends, Alvaro, Gabriel, Hugo and Ana. Through trial and error we finally managed to have a le...
A long time has passed since my last update... I've been too busy with some projects that I have barely slept. I'm now at work and since I finished this little project, and debugged it, I was reminded that I hadn't updated this in a while. So here it goes... The rest of the last year passed by working a lot, finishing a proyect that had to start on Jan 2, so I had to give a hand on it. The 31 there was an unexpected party at Ana's appartment, the head count was 4. Ana, Erica, Julian and me, I stayed just until 9:30 pm, since I had to go home and spend some time with my parents. I would have gladly returned, but at 1:30 am I couln't find no cab... next time it will be. Laborally, I've been called by many persons to develop them some web applications, hopefully I can keep on those "extras" I get. Tomorrow it's planned a meeting of the members of our old role-playing group "El Viento del Norte", with those that are here and LaYa, s...