"Admiramos las cosas por motivos determinados; las amamos sin tener motivos específicos ", sabias palabras de G.K. Chesterton. Recuerdo entonces a una niña... Ana Camila Moncaleano, según recuerdo se llamaba. Estaba por allá a mediados de mi carrera, la conocí, salimos un par de veces.... fue mi salida del muro que había construido hasta que como la tercera vez ella me dijo "Tenemos que hablar ". No se por que la recuerdo en estos momentos, no se qué haya sido de su vida, hace como 5 años que no se nada de ella, probablemente la frase de Chesterton me la haya hecho recordar, pues ella preguntó: "Por que te has enamorado de mi?"... no había motivo específico, solo andaba tragado de ella. Realmente me pareció muy estúpida la pregunta, y probablemente me ayudó a ver que no era la persona inteligente que creí que era y fue mucho más fácil olv...
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2003
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I seem to have a "test" week. I've filled more personality tests this week than on the rest of my life. Anyway, this is what I got through this test...
I am Face
The Faceman is the man to talk to to get things done. He's got a fast tongue and the connections to get the A-Team out of some of their most difficult moments. Has many disguises, this smooth talker is very persuasive, and doesn't hesitate to use this in working it with members of the opposite sex.
Which A-Team member are you???
I just thought it was wrong, 'cause you know, I suck with women.. so i changed one question and I got B.A. Baracus... third time I got Hannibal... so there was no way I got Murdock, whom I thought I would got as an answer on the test...
see ya later!
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"Spare my time. I'm short of it" Just seems that I cannot find enough time to live. it just seems that weekends are too short. You just cannot find enough time to do all that you want. The difficult part is the logistics to find free spots in all your friend's time to organize an AD&D session. Another thing is that I no longer know for sure the difference between what I want and what I need. Sometimes I have the sudden urge to eat something, but when I go to the supermarket I just realized that it was nothing more than a desire, as if your mind was finally corrupted by the subliminal messages on every product sold. I became a compulsive buyer of CD's, but now I go and think first if I really need the CD or not. Most of the time not, but then I realize that I'm not saving anything for my future, that I'm just living for the moment. Is that wrong? What if I die tomorrow? In this country, my beloved Colombia, you always have that feeling in your mind, eve...